PowerPoint Viewer 2007 - nem tudja betölteni a PPTX fájlokat
If you load pptx files using PowerPoint Viewer 2007 on XP Embedded or Windows Embedded Standard 2009 you will get the following error message: “This file requires the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system [...]
PowerPoint Viewer 2007 - nem tudja betölteni a PPTX fájlokat
If you load pptx files using PowerPoint Viewer 2007 on XP Embedded or Windows Embedded Standard 2009 you will get the following error message: “This file requires the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system [...]
Rendszervédelem a Windows SteadyState használatával a Windows XP Professional beágyazott rendszereken
The free Microsoft utility Windows SteadyState can be used on Windows XP Professional for Embedded Systems to prevent the OS from any changes. It offers a write filter which will redirect all writes to a [...]
Windows Storage Server 2008 márkajelzés
Windows Server 2008 allows you to brand the OOBE and Server Manager. To brand both you can use the following: Install the x64 Compiler for Visual Studio 2008 Run Visual Studio 2008 Create a Visual [...]
Windows Storage Server 2008 márkajelzés
Windows Server 2008 allows you to brand the OOBE and Server Manager. To brand both you can use the following: Install the x64 Compiler for Visual Studio 2008 Run Visual Studio 2008 Create a Visual [...]
Egyetlen példány tárolása
Windows Storage Server 2008 ships with Single Instance Storage – this will enable Storage Server to save space because it will save duplicate files only once. SIS will check all the files on the harddisk [...]