Funkciók hozzáadása vagy eltávolítása egy meglévő WES 7-képben
Windows Embedded Standard 7 allows you to add and remove features on your existing image. This can be done very easily by using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool. The tool allows you [...]
Képek klónozása WAIK és imagex használatával
This video demonstrates you the usage of imagex together with either Windows Vista AIK or Windows 7 AIK. A detailed command description can be found here. The video shows the capturing of an installed “ready-to-clone” [...]
Képek klónozása WAIK és imagex használatával
This video demonstrates you the usage of imagex together with either Windows Vista AIK or Windows 7 AIK. A detailed command description can be found here. The video shows the capturing of an installed “ready-to-clone” [...]
7 ok, amiért a Windows Embedded Standard 7-et kell választani
Easy installation The setup (IBW - Image Build Wizard) can be run directly on the target device with an easy to use setup environment. If you would like to create unattended setup templates for your [...]
7 ok, amiért a Windows Embedded Standard 7-et kell választani
Easy installation The setup (IBW - Image Build Wizard) can be run directly on the target device with an easy to use setup environment. If you would like to create unattended setup templates for your [...]