Custom Bootlogo for Windows Embedded Standard 7

Windows XP Embedded had the option to enable the custom bootlogo (boot.bmp) by just adding two commands to the
CustomBootlogoWES7_thumbboot.ini. However a similar option is missing in Windows Embedded Standard 7. It only offers to use a blank screen instead of the default Windows boot animation. The problem with this could be that the end user thinks the device has crashed and resets it during the boot phase. Elbacom is currently working with a partner to enable custom bootscreens also in Windows Embedded Standard 7. What we need to know is how big is the demand for such a feature in Windows Embedded Standard 7. Is a branding starting from the boot process important to you? Please use the following poll to give us feedback. If you wish to write a comment you can do this using the comment feature or write an email to Please click here to vote. Thank you!



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Custom Bootlogo for Windows Embedded Standard 7

Windows XP Embedded had the option to enable the custom bootlogo (boot.bmp) by just adding two commands to the
CustomBootlogoWES7_thumbboot.ini. However a similar option is missing in Windows Embedded Standard 7. It only offers to use a blank screen instead of the default Windows boot animation. The problem with this could be that the end user thinks the device has crashed and resets it during the boot phase. Elbacom is currently working with a partner to enable custom bootscreens also in Windows Embedded Standard 7. What we need to know is how big is the demand for such a feature in Windows Embedded Standard 7. Is a branding starting from the boot process important to you? Please use the following poll to give us feedback. If you wish to write a comment you can do this using the comment feature or write an email to Please click here to vote. Thank you!



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