ELCOM company is significant supplier of specialized medical computers while trying to solve health problems of patients with severe coronavirus symptoms.
Chirana Medical company chose Elcom years ago as a strategic technology partner for its innovative artificial ventilation solutions.The familiar all-in-one UniqPC computers serve as a modern interface for device control and monitoring. Our common solutions are certified medical devices with the support of artificial intelligence from Slovakia, which the company successfully deliveres to the world for years.
The technological part of the pulmonary ventilation (breathing systems) and anesthesia devices of the Chirana Medical company are specialized computers of the Elcom company – UniqPC150 and UniqPC215,
and Windows 10 IoT Enterprise operating system, delivered with a highly professional approach from Elbacom.
The statements of experts and doctors, together with medical procedures confirm that this is a world-class solution.
We are proud to be a significant part in the fight against this disease through our products, helping to improve the quality of life for people around the world.